Bea Green
"Small is Beautiful" - E. F. Schumacher
My Environmentally-themed ceramic sculptures draw inspiration from gardening observations and my love of Nature’s natural forms. Throughout my sculpting career I’ve experimented with different materials and have worked in a number of countries.
Having returned to Devon I’ve become increasingly concerned by climatic changes causing reduced DAYLIGHT LEVELS. I expressed this concern in a series of twelve paintings, from which I developed five stoneware sculptures, named the “Messengers”. These illustrate a progression of decreasing light levels.
I’ve developed my own wide range of Engobe colours that can be juxtaposed on vertical surfaces without running or blending when stoneware-fired for out- or indoor use. I’ve used these Engobe colours on my “Messengers” and many other sculptures.
I studied Ceramics & Painting to degree level. My work is owned across Europe and by Japan’s Tajimi Museum. I’ve had articles published in Ceramic Review and I contributed to Anne Lightwood’s book on Paperclay.