Magazine Archive
This archive contains selected highlights from our historical magazines
WPA Newsletter 25 – December 1996
This newsletter, edited by Joanne Richards, includes: Christmas Editorial by Joanne Richards Regional Editors – Tony Smither (South Devon), Pauline Ivimey-Cook (Mid and North Devon), Joanne Richards (Central Somerset), Lionel Philips (South Somerset), Hugh West (Cornwall), Frank Penning (Avon) Chairwoman’s Letter by Doreen Gardner Reports by Joint Exhibition Officers, Hugh West and Lorraine Coles Report by Activities Officer, Nancy Wells,…
WPA Newsletter 24 – October 1996
This newsletter, edited by Joanne Richards, includes: Editorial by Joanne Richards Regional Editors – Tony Smither (South Devon), Pauline Ivimey-Cook (Mid and North Devon), Joanne Richards (Central Somerset), Lionel Philips (South Somerset), Hugh West (Cornwall), Frank Penning (Avon) Chairwoman’s Letter by Doreen Gardner, including news about the WPA Directory Report by Activities Officer, Nancy Wells, including news about “The Fire…