This newsletter, edited by Doreen Gardner and Tony Smither, includes:
Events and Exhibitions by Andrew Bryden
Information about Amanda Popham at the Devon Guild by Hilary Luce
Big Pots by Alison Fife
Potters’ Portfolio by Katie Vamos
Activity Fees Increase Why? by Doreen Gardner
Welcome to New Members by Tim Gee
John Wheeldon Fumed Raku by Sandra Hare
50 Celebrating 50 Years of the Devon Guild of Craftsmen
Teaching Pottery? You Could Be Sued! by Doreen Gardner
Potfest Southwest by Karen Edwards
The New Publicity Officer by Joanna Hicks
Raku Social Event at Peter & Vera Stride’s Home by Peter Stride
Elisabeth Hadley’s ‘Mermaid’ by Peter Stride
Cardew Ceramic Studio Opens by Sharon Wall
68th Committee Meeting Report by Tony Smither
Preview of Workshop Visit to Amanda Popham by Karen Edwards
Eavesdroppings by Doreen Gardner
Obituary for Eileen Lewenstein by Tony Smither
Preview of Workshop Visit to Paul Jackson by Karen Edwards
Article about Fremington Red Clay by Christopher Chanter