Magazine Archive
WPA Newsletter 49 – December 2000
This newsletter, edited by Rowena Kinsman, includes:
Editorial by Rowena Kinsman
Introducing Michael Gaitskell, our Honorary President by Joanne Richards
Members Directory by Doreen Gardner and Tony Smither
- From Alan Clark
- WPA on the Web by Mary Sutton
- Packing Pots How to do it without having a Nervous Breakdown by Doreen Gardner
- Grant Applications by Mary Sutton
- National Centre for Ceramic Art in Bideford by Joanne Richards
- Exhibition News by Anita Peach
- New Exhibition Officers Kati Va’mos and Pat Jeffs
- Activities Report by Joanne Richards including:
- New Year Seasonal Social at Dartington Hall
- Forthcoming Visit to High Cross House, Dartington
- Forthcoming Masterclass by Clive Bowen at Burton Art Gallery
- Workshop Visit to Ross Emerson
- WPA AGM at Kenton Village Hall with guest demonstrator Ian Gregory
- Bickleigh Potters Festival
- International Ceramics Festival at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, costing £103, including guest demonstrators Atilla Albert, David Binns, Jerry Caplan, Walter Keeler, Christy Keeney, Jolante Kvastye, David Miller, Jabu Nala, Fred Olsen, Elisabeth Leretif, Byron Temple
- John Theis, `Wonderboy’ Thokozani, Fei Berning and Jim Robison
- Workshop Visit to Roger Harris
- Proposed East Anglian Potters’ Camp, Shotley, Near Cambridge
- Coming Soon by Lesley Cooper
- Forthcoming National and WPA Exhibitions by Joanne Richards
- Nine Days of Art by Fran Benatt
- A Visit to Seth Cardew at Wenford Bridge Pottery by David Lemon
- Introductions at Woodbury Gallery by Heather Strong
- Report of Visit to Kate Mellors by Karen Edwards
- The 21st Chelsea Crafts Fair a Personal View by Hilary Luce
- Tim Andrews 18th Christmas Sale
- Moving to USA/items for Sale
- For Sale/Laser Kiln 26 cubic feet
- For Sale/Cromartie Kiln for £405
- Ceramics in Society magazine,
- Dacorum and Chiltern Potters Guild Open Day with Toff Milway, Gilda Westermann and Roger Lewis
- 2001 Masterclasses and Exhibitions with John Maltby and Nic Collins
- Stanway Pottery Workshops
- Smoke Fired Ceramics by Kati Va’mos and Marion Valder
- Pots Plus exhibition by Karen Edwards, Andrew Bryden and Jen Thompson
- Refurbished Pottery Equipment from Bates Electrical
- Stow Potters Wheels, Llandysnl, Wales
- Kiln Furniture Supplies from Walter Brayford
- Courtyard Gallery, Market Street, Wells
- Haughton Hare Pottery Supplies, Bickleigh, Tiverton
- Valentine Clay Products
- Don Keitch Kiln Repairs, Clyst Hydon, near Collumpton
- Les Bainbridge Pottery Supplies
- The Potters Connection Ltd
- Committee December 2000 including Honorary President Michael Gaitskell, Chair (vacant), Secretary Mary Sutton, Treasurer Alan Clark, Exhibition Officer Anita Peach, Publicity officer (vacant), Membership Secretary Lesley Cooper, Activities Officer Joanne Richards, Minuting Secretary Hilary Luce, Newsletter Editor Rowena Kinsman, plus other non Committee Officers Publicity Officer Andrew Bryden, Book Reviews Phyllida Horniman