This newsletter, edited by Heather Strong, includes:
Editorial by Heather Strong
New Faces by Rowena Kinsman
Chairman’s Letter from Doreen Gardner
List of Regional Editors Tony Smither (South Devon), Joanne Richards (Central Somerset), Frank Goddard (South Somerset), Andrew Bryden (North Somerset)
AGM with a Difference by Mary Sutton
Report from Anita Peach, Exhibition Officer
Membership Secretary Update by Lesley Cooper
Bickleigh Festival 2000 by Sandra Hare
Bickleigh Festival Publicity by Marion Valder
Smoke Firing at Bickleigh 2000 by Tamasine Holman and Sue Rouillard
Activities Report by Joanne Richards, including:
Forthcoming Workshop Visit to David Brown
AGM at Kenton, Devon with Guest Demonstrator Tim Andrews
Bickleigh Festival details
Forthcoming Workshop Visits to John Leach and Nic Collins
WPA Video Library by Peter Stride
Advert for Cranford Barn Glazes by Roger Harris
WPA New Year Party 2000 by Mary Sutton
Report on Workshop Visit to Nancy Wells
Tips from Cranford Barn Pottery by Roger Harris
Advert, for sale, Ford Transit 100, 1987, 66,000 miles, £1200, contact Peter Stride
Advert, for sale, Shimpo Wheel, £400, Spray Booth and Compressor, £600, contact Alice Donnelly
Potters Tips from Mole Cottage by Mark Donaldson
Pricing and Other Aspects of Marketing by Tony Smither
Advert for Stanway Pottery Workshops
A Potter’s Perspective by Michael Gaitskell
Items of Interest to Potters, including:
Brand New Potters, Bristol
Craft Fairs at The Chapel Gallery by Rebecca Green
New Members
WWW/Websites of Interest by Heather Strong
Advert for Studio Pottery/Ceramics in Society
Forthcoming Exhibitions by Joanne Richards
Masterclass Events at Okehampton College, Chagford, for 2000: Jack Doherty, Ruthanne Tudball, Richard Godfrey
Southams Craft Gallery, Warland, Totnes, Devon
Refurbished Pottery Equipment from Bates Electrical
Stow Potters Wheels, Llandysnl, Wales
Kiln Furniture Supplies from Walter Brayford
Haughton Hare Pottery Supplies, Bickleigh, Tiverton
Summer Workshops with Ian Gregory, Ansty Nr. Dorchester
Valentine Clay Products
Don Keitch Kiln Repairs, Clyst Hydon, near Collumpton
Les Bainbridge Pottery Supplies
The Potters Connection Ltd
Committee April 2000 including Chairman Doreen Gardner, Secretary Mary Sutton, Treasurer Alan Clark, Exhibition Officer Anita Peach, Publicity Officer Claire Winterton, Membership Secretary Lesley Cooper, Activities Officer Joanne Richards, Minuting Secretary Hilary Luce, Newsletter Editor Rowena Kinsman