Magazine Archive
WPA Newsletter 38 – February 1999
This newsletter, edited by Heather Strong, includes:
Editorial by Heather Strong
In Memoriam, Obituary for WPA Member John Dyer
Chairman’s Letter from Doreen Gardner
List of Regional Editors Tony Smither (South Devon), Pauline Ivimey-Cook (Mid and North Devon), Joanne Richards (Central Somerset), Frank Goddard (South Somerset), Jean Craven (Cornwall), Andrew Bryden (North Somerset)
- Craft Fairs by Doreen Gardner
- Renewal of Membership 1999-2000 by Treston Holmes
- Forthcoming Workshop Visits by Pauline Donaldson
- Stand Up and Be Counted! by Mariette Rennie, Publicity Officer
- Forthcoming Exhibitions by Anita Peach
- Report on WPA Christmas Exhibition, Atelier 18, Nottingham by Hugh West
- Letter to the Editor by Joanne Richards
- Advert for House with Pottery for Sale, £105,000 by Tilly Young
- Potter’s Tips from Mole Cottage by Mark Donaldson
- My Experience of Holding an Exhibition by Joanne Richards
- A Trip to Very Foreign Parts, including cartoons by Jennie Hayman
- Advert for Sale, Dough Mixer £250, Fitzwilliam Wheel £525, Oil/Wood Catenary Arch Kiln £475, Trolley £50, by Michael Skipwith
- Advert for Sale, Brent Electric Wheel £300 by Tilly Young
- Report on The CPA Christmas Fair by Frank Goddard
- Advert for Kilns Built to any Size or Requirement by Malcolm Beech
- Caveat Emptor by Michael Gaitskell
- Book Review, Paper Clay by Rosette Gault, Review by Kate Bilson
- A Warm Welcome to Nine New Members
- Advert for Sale, Studio Pottery Contents by Bill Connor
- Report on Winchcombe Pottery Study Day at Cheltenham Museum by Joanne Richards
- Items of Interest to Potters, including:
- Svend Bayer (WPA Member) Open Studio to Celebrate 30 Years of Potting
- Potters Day at Bridgwater College
- Links with Russian Potters in the Nizhni Novgorod region by Mary Sutton
- John Leach (WPA Member) Kiln Opening Day
- Art in the Garden, Meeting House, Ilminster
- Killerton House National Trust Plant Fair
- International Ceramics fair, Cornwall, organised by Jon Middlemiss
- Forthcoming Exhibitions by Joanne Richards
- Advert for Studio Pottery/Ceramics in Society, £24 for 4 quarterly issues, full subscription rate £27.50
- Creative Pottery Breaks with Mark and Pauline Donaldson
- Bruce Chivers, Vacuum Formed Fibre Kilns
- Summer Workshops with Ian Gregory, Dorset
- Don Keitch Kiln Repairs, Clyst Hydon, near Collumpton
- Haughton Hare Pottery Supplies, Bickleigh, Tiverton
- Cranford Barn Glazes by Roger Harris
- Lotus Pottery Supplies, Michael Skipworth, Stoke Gabriel, Nr. Totnes
- Free Advertising in the WPA Newsletter for Members by Heather Strong
- Committee February 1999 including Chairman Doreen Gardner, Secretary Mary Sutton, Treasurer Alan Clark, Pottery Festival Co-ordinator Mark Donaldson, Activities Officer Pauline Donaldson, Joint Exhibition Officers Anita Peach and Hugh West, Publicity Officer Mariette Rennie, Membership Secretary Treston Holmes, Minuting Secretary Nicola Raffan, Newsletter Editor Heather Strong