Magazine Archive
WPA Newsletter 33 – April 1998
This newsletter, edited by Heather Strong, includes:
Editorial by Heather Strong
Raku Firing at Bickleigh Potters’ Fair by Heather Strong
Chairman’s Letter, including AGM information by Doreen Gardner
List of Regional Editors Tony Smither (South Devon), Pauline Ivimey-Cook (Mid and North Devon), Joanne Richards (Central Somerset), Frances Mansfield (South Somerset), Jean Craven (Cornwall), Andrew Bryden (North Somerset)
- Cartoon Bickleigh Fair ’98 by Paul Wells
- 3rd Annual Potters Fair Bickleigh by Nancy Wells
- Mark Donaldson’s 24 hour Kickwheel Marathon by Heather Strong
- Potters Tips from Mole Cottage by Mark Donaldson
- Report from South Somerset Region by Frances Mansfield
- Report on Visit to Paul Jackson’s Workshop, Bodmin, Cornwall by Joanne Richards
- Report on Workshop Visit to Chris Speyer, Bampton, Devon by Joanne Richards
- Advert for Don Keitch Kiln Repairs, Clyst Hydon, near Collumpton
- Comment from Cornwall by Jean Craven
- Advert for Whirlers (220 mm diameter for £16) by CTM Supplies, Exeter
- Cartoon on Bickleigh ’98 by Paul Wells
- How We Got Started by Doreen Gardner
- Mad March Hare Exhibition, Church House Designs, Congresbury by Anita Peach
- Book Review by Kate Bilson
- National Open College Network Course in Ceramics at Bridgwater College by Joanne Richards
- Advert, Wanted Kiln Space from June ’98 by MA Student in Somerset
- Items of Interest to Potters, including:
- Potters and the Internet by Derek Stansbury
- Exhibition Opportunity for Cornish Potters by Stella Thomas
- Fired Print Northern Potters Association Biennial Festival
- Playing with Fire with Steve Mills and Lexa Laurence
- Wanted, Electric Wheel
- Cartoon entitled The Potter at Work No. 1 by Paul Wells
- About Three Laser Kilns and Too Many Decorating Wheels by Victor Holst
- Advert, For Sale, Pottery Casting Slip Pump, £350
- Advert for Studio Pottery/Ceramics in Society, £21 for 4 seasonal issues, full subscription rate £27.50
- Forthcoming Exhibitions by Joanne Richards
- Welcome to Twelve New Members
- Creative Pottery Breaks with Mark and Pauline Donaldson
- Bruce Chivers, Vacuum Formed Fibre Kilns
- Summer Workshops with Ian Gregory, Dorset
- Haughton Hare Pottery Supplies, Bickleigh, Tiverton
- Cranford Barn Glazes by Roger Harris
- New Video, Tim Andrews in his Studio, Throwing/finishing/burnishing/firing pots, etc, running time 46 minutes, £18 plus £2 P&P
- Lotus Pottery Supplies, Michael Skipworth, Stoke Gabriel, Nr. Totnes
- Free Advertising in the WPA Newsletter for Members by Heather Strong
- Committee April 1998 including Chairman Doreen Gardner, Secretary Peter Lee, Treasurer Mark Donaldson, Activities Officer Nancy Wells, Joint Exhibition Officers Lorraine Coles and Hugh West, Publicity Officer Mariette Rennie, Membership Secretary Treston Holmes, Minuting Secretary Nicola Raffan, Newsletter Editor Heather Strong
- In Addition to Regional Editors listed on Newsletter cover, Book Reviewer Kate Bilson, Mailing of Newsletters by Victor and Wendy Holst, Assistant Activities Officer Maggie Scott