Pottery Wheel/ Plaster Whirler, Electric, Workshop Made Solid Unit, extra heads
For Sale – offers over £100
Workshop made, very solid steel frame and top, heavy
1/2 horsepower NECO DC motor, chain drive
Variac/rectifier speed control
ON/OFF buttons
Comes with 2 metal wheel heads
1 x 320mm
1 x 255mm, threaded to fit there is also a threaded taper adapter.
There is an adjustable tool support behind the spindle.
No tray but one could be easily added.
All pottery machines based on a vertical spindle with rotating head can be used in a variety of ways, maybe with attachments/modification. This I built to have an element of universal application. It works as a wheel – might need a tray for intense use, it works as a plaster whirler (there is a head for that) and no doubt if you attached a jigger head it would work too. The top is 5mm steel so bolt whatever you need on it. The rear adjustable supports you see were as an aid to plaster models. It’s very solidly built.